Thursday, January 04, 2007

24 Weekly Debriefing: Happy 2007!

So the past year is done and gone with the accompaning Season 5 DVD collection (MY Christmas was very merry, thank you). This can only mean ONE THING.... SEASON SIX SOON PREMIERES!!!

I'm excited and trying to get this blog and the podcast as a whole all brand new and shiny for you all. We're gonna have some brand new shiny features and uh... the goal of regularly scheduled shows EVERY TUESDAY MORNING (with a possible Thursday show)!!!

There's a new phone number to call in for the show but for the moment, just rest up, drink fluids (type of fluids up to you), and spread the word about the podcast!

If there's a new 24 podcast or blog that you like out there, send me a message at or post something here. I'll put up a link for it... ONE BIG HAPPY 24 FAMILY!!!

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