Monday, January 29, 2007

Live Blogging of the JACK BAUER POWER HOUR: Hour 6

Yeah. Trying it on here again.

Haven't watched Prison Break since the first two episodes of the season. Sorry.

Previosly on 24: KABOOM! And I'm still shocked with how awesome the ending was last episode.

OMG, I want Jack Bauer to leave my outgoing message on my cell phone.

Fayed, McCarthy (australian), Walid, Assad, Philip Bauer, Grae or GRAEM Bauer.

How the HELL does a family name one child Jack and one GRAEM. Somebody's the milkman's son.

11:00am and 12:00pm

President Wayne is still talking. So that's how long in between episodes? AH! Look! There's Chad Lowe. Pretty. Dumped and pretty.

Tom is not pleased about President Wayne promising that these security measures are temporary. Karen, looking more and more like my therapist, confronts Tom about his twitchy ways. "Bleeding heart liberal." Ah shut up. (CLIP)

Oooh. Karen raises her voice and it's good! Very good. See? People are better yelling on this show.

Tom talks to Chad Lowe about getting rid of Karen. Hillary Swank's ex-husband has something up his sleave.

Back at CTU, Nadia gets a hand tied behind her back as all Muslims get an extra layer of securtiy put on them. Message anyone?

Gray is a little whiny bitch! I never doubted that but this is REALLY A show! "Growling gasps" is what he's taking. Thank you Closed Captioning. Dad vanished because of a Gray screw up. He references McCarthy and how he hired him because he had good references. Good references? Yeah, I've got a shiny letter of recommendation so you wanna give me a non-proliferation job? The nuke was gotten from Gray and his whiny ass. They didn't tell anyone else because they're dealing with it in a more efficient and effective way. Yeah. Since it worked out so well last season and thus far this season... keep going with that.

Jack plays Simon Says with his brother as they get up to go to McCarthy's office. The look between Rena Sofer (Marilyn) and Jack? A little steamy. Jack calls Chloe, looking for some techno back-up and to let Bill know what's going down. Gray whines that Jack's selling him and their dad out. You may keep a clean house Gray, but I wouldn't trust you to "handle" the nuclear bomb that has already gone off and whatever else is coming next. (CLIP)


A bunch of talk in the debriefing room between Bill, Milo, Nadia and Morris. Whatever.

Gray and Jack banter. Jack shows some care regarding the attention that might be put upon The Family. The Bauer family. Gray talks about loyalty to family. DUDE JUST SAID HOW HE SHOULD'VE KILLED JACK INSTEAD OF GIVING HIM TO THE CHINESE!!! Ass.

Darren McCarthy and woman. Woman complaining. Sensibly though. McCarthy's getting some business done regarding more detonators. (CLIP) Look who might have an anger management problem? Fayed calls him and McCarthy hangs up on him after yelling. Hanging up on a terrorist? Wow. Balls of steel. Or vegemite.

CTU. Milo gets suspicious about Nadia not doing something fast enough. Why? Because that's where we're at in the season. Questioning loyalty. Milo looks way too pretty. Note, never say "with all due respect." Whatever you say next will be fucking you in the ass.

Thanks Milo. We now know that Nadia has lived in this country since she was two years old and is a registered republican. He makes his feelings known about the religious/racial profiling going on and about the hand tied behind Nadia's back. Bill calls in a favor to Karen.

He-man Woman Hater's Terrorist Club. Sharing of information from the outside. Walid asks a few too many questions but somehow easily gets out of the suspiciouns.

Bunker. "All these people will come forward to testify." What the fuck is going on. Tom and Hillary Swank's ex-husband are pulling something off which will apparently move Karen to resign. Tom's got info on something Bill did. KAREN BRINGS OUT THE BIG GUNS AND MAKES ME LOVE HER!!! (CLIP)

Tom explains how Karen is fucking up his cabbage patch (old Chasing Amy reference) and that she needs to get out of his way or else a whole list of crew members are going to testify that she smoothed over a gray-area "mistake" that Bill had made 14 months ago regarding Fayed being released from a detention facility. Note: Was this when we thought Fayed was good? This is getting confusing. Tom has a great line after Karen calls him an asshole. (CLIP) Never said I was anything otherwise.. or something that sounds cooler than that. Can we super impose Hillary Swank's ex-husband's face on top of Peter McNichol?


Morris is annoying Nadia about doing things slowly. People bothering me always makes things go faster. Milo's got the hots for Nadia and is showing her that by doing some tech thing that results in her working under his name.... aka not be under the extra layer of protection. He lets her borrow HIS arm since she has one tied behind her back.

Bunker. Karen is giving in!!! NOOOOO!!!! And this will not happen. One, it's not a Palmer thing to accept at this point but also because they're in a frakkin' underground bunker. Yep, President Wayne is not letting this happen. Karen fights for him to let her go and gets teary about it. Please don't let this happen. She wants to be transported back to LA. Yea that we might get some CTU on CTU action but BOO on it being because Karen resigns from Tom's Tom-foolery.

Hillary Swank's ex-husband (who I don't like right now!) bumps into her as she's leaving. Wow. Not at ALL obvious that you're a slimy little weasel. Leaving for commercial, we're left with a shot of Tom Lennox that has Dick Cheney feelings all over it.


Car by car, Jack and Gray go through the parking lot of McCarthy's office. Now thanks to FOX promo people, we know that in the next 20 minutes we'll see Jack's dad. So... he's in this buidling.

He-man Woman haters Club (detention facility), Walid apparently learned misdirection from his summer's spent interning with David Blane.

310 597 3781, real life 24 Nextel phone number. Hey, isn't Jack supposed to be using a SPRINT phone?

Via Chloe we find out that these folks AREN'T woman haters.. or terrorists. Or whatever. (CLIP) We're gonna take Walid out? Might not want to yell that with soldiers around.

Crap. Heydar (cell phone guy) realizes that Walid stole his phone and just as Sandra and OZ guy are going to get him out, the club starts beating the shit out of him. This beating-the-shit-out-of-him actually does something. Arabics know how to beat people down. We should outsource all of our body work out to them.


CTU guys are waiting outside. Gray and Jack break into the office (well, Jack does. Gray stands there) of McCarthy. Now we haven't SEEN McCarthy for awhile so he's probably not here. Since there are ten minutes left, we know that Jack's dad is there. THANKS STUPID FOX PROMO DEPARTMENT.

McCarthy started deleting files shortly after the bomb went off. Some intention-filled rustling occurs leading Jack to handcuff Gray to a bookcase and Jack to go search for things. Who do we find? Dad. Yeah.

Dad and Jack. I enjoy this interaction. Apparently no one in the family got Dad's height. Dad wants to put himself out there (Jack wasn't there when Dad needed him?) to protect Graem. Graem is an ass and Jack nearly cold cocks him (again). Wow, Graem really sucks and double crosses his dad. Wow. (CLIP)

McCarthy is safe with his gal pal elsewhere and Jack and his Dad are handcuffed. Just as I think that there's some hope with those CTU guys waiting outside, we see them dead in their van (that has a yellow air freshner). Daddy Bauer suddenly realizes that there IS A LINE and that Gray crossed it way back when. (CLIP) "Jack forced my hand," Gray says. Call him when it's done. Onto meet their deaths (not really) while shackled inside the baddies' van.

Aint It Cool News 24 info up

Hercules from Aint It Cool News has a normal spoiler-but-not-really-spoilerly post up about tonight's 24 episode.

Anyone wanna help me with web design so I can get my shit together? Anyone?

Friday, January 26, 2007

This is a pic for my podcast... things are kind of a mess with me and blogspot so....

Friday, January 12, 2007

Blogging fun: Blogs4Bauer

Blogs 4 Bauer is a great balls-to-the-wall testosterone filled site!!! I thank them for their support and gladly support them. Our political views are slightly different, but out love of 24 is uniting and equal!!!

That said, there's an awesome post over there about their Kill Counter (a wonderfully reliable go-to during the season featuring descriptions and details of each Jack Bauer Powered Kill) and a POINT SYSTEM they've devised for the new season.

I love all references to Jack's Manly KnapSack so go and CHECK IT OUT!!! Tell them I sent 'cha.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

24 Weekly Debriefing on

Digg on our 24 fan podcast on the site for the 24 Weekly Debriefing

And have you SEEN the Kiefer Sutherland interview and pictures with Men's Vogue???? Quite wonderful. There's a good quote in there about how the cast and crew of 24 have become his family. THAT's the kind of shit which makes me fall madly in love with a show and a production style. Kevin Smith does the same thing for me. Yes, show BUSINESS and not show FRIENDS but personally, I think those close knit communities add something to the show... if anything, it helps the longevity of the series and THAT we ALL love!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

24 Weekly Debriefing: Preview episode

Click here to get your own player.

Preview episode featuring the Larry King interview with the cast of 24.

And BTW, this is for Google so that thi site can be higher up in the rankings for "24 Podcast."

Podcast, 24, Podcast, 24. Podcast, 24? 24 Podcast. Podcast, 24.

Speaking of that, check out Joe's 24 the Podcast. The BASTARD got a press preview disc of the first four episodes... he's spoilerific. Seriously, Joe's podcast kicks ass so go and check him out (just come back to me because you know that Momma is the one who REALLY loves you).

Thursday, January 04, 2007

24 Weekly Debriefing: Happy 2007!

So the past year is done and gone with the accompaning Season 5 DVD collection (MY Christmas was very merry, thank you). This can only mean ONE THING.... SEASON SIX SOON PREMIERES!!!

I'm excited and trying to get this blog and the podcast as a whole all brand new and shiny for you all. We're gonna have some brand new shiny features and uh... the goal of regularly scheduled shows EVERY TUESDAY MORNING (with a possible Thursday show)!!!

There's a new phone number to call in for the show but for the moment, just rest up, drink fluids (type of fluids up to you), and spread the word about the podcast!

If there's a new 24 podcast or blog that you like out there, send me a message at or post something here. I'll put up a link for it... ONE BIG HAPPY 24 FAMILY!!!